Its December now. Snow may finally be arriving this week. The Pass closed again today, and likely for the season. That won’t stop climbing at Table Mtn, but as the upper 108 season mellows out to sport climpin and boulder squeezin down the hill I start to relect.
The SPH Climber Get Together seemed to be well received. We did a trash pick that netted several bags pulled out of the forest. And never have I ever seen that many cars deliberately smooshed into the Hummingbird parking lot. LOL! It was nice though, as we were all in one spot and met new folks and shared stories. I enjoyed putting together the Bad Topo Challenge – The worse the topo, the better the challenge! Top score was a 6, iirc, out of 13 or so? Really bad challenge! 🙂 Who wants to present next year?
I ended up climbing some fun things this year. Most recently getting on toprope to climb some ice a few days ago at the Pass was a blast! It’s such a rare treat to be able access the ice with the highway open and just walk over to a frozen waterfall in 4 minute or less. I also, recently went back to Pinnacles. I haven’t been seen there much lately since I ride sled in the winter. Winter is prime Pinns season. I am not my former climbing ability I find. Pandemic and work have made getting out for adventures a limited endeavor. We no longer go the climbing gym regularly. But I take heart in that I can always start from somewhere new with a fresh perspective on what progression means. Zen mind-beginner mind type of approach.
Found some new rock. Put in some new mellow routes. Refound pics of crags I meant to go back to. Took friends to new rocks. Pointed others to old rocks with newly refound topos. Hiked some peaks and visited the East Side a few times. Bouldered with the nephews and niece. Had the sled worked on. Started going out to dinner again this year (for the life of me though, I can’t figure out why we must wear masks to enter a restaurant but can take them off once inside).
I truly hope everyone that climbed on 108 this season enjoyed it! Take care of your forest and crags. Don’t invite asshats, ok? Oh and post up some stories in the forum! Don’t let Insta and Bookface be the only place we connect, if we can’t get to the crags. 🙂
Munge E. Climber