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Topics - Mungeclimber

Randonee/AT/BC Skiing on 108 / Spring 2023
May 30, 2023, 12:08:23 PM
JM and others have already been hitting Chipmunk, even though the gate isn't open. This year will be epic coverage for corn harvest!
Randonee/AT/BC Skiing on 108 / 2022
May 31, 2022, 11:23:09 AM
2022 spring corn harvest was had by Tim. Multiple laps a day keeps the doctor away!

Of note, it was weird not seeing the sled tracks. Unfortunately the FS doesn't like the idea of actually sharing the forest. Instead it wants to divide the forest amongst recreational users (as seen in the final record of decision on the OSV and travel management plan). I learned this week that other forests have 'season of use' restrictions but extend it based on conditions. How reasonable? For example this year, once the hwy opened, there was over 4 and half feet in the meadow. More than enough to ride, as has been done for generations. There's a reason why land managers over reach in their initial findings. I suspect its because they anticipate lawsuits, not because its derived from the science, but because they have to show 'they did something' to appease those that complain the loudest and who have large war-chests.
Randonee/AT/BC Skiing on 108 / Spring 2021
April 28, 2021, 03:44:49 PM
just a post to remind me that chutes in CF were run in April this year. props to those getting out.
Randonee/AT/BC Skiing on 108 / Sled Season 20/21!
October 28, 2020, 01:43:19 PM
It will be tEh eP1c!
Randonee/AT/BC Skiing on 108 / Sled pics
September 25, 2020, 11:29:34 PM
Chris dropping in up near the Pass

Seems to be working again, but the reset link goes to junk folder because its using a default setting that all SMF forums use.

includes some avy footage at the end
Randonee/AT/BC Skiing on 108 / Conditions 19/20 season
December 11, 2019, 09:59:42 AM
This last sunday snow dropped down to Dodge Ridge base so the lower elevations gave access to higher elevation good coverage.

More snow expected this weekend, but not a bomb cyclone amount. The tgiving weekend looked amazing. Hope we get more snow soon!
Randonee/AT/BC Skiing on 108 / Sled 18-19 season
December 03, 2018, 03:41:58 PM
Scoped out Herring Creek Rd

Randonee/AT/BC Skiing on 108 / Spring 2018
May 29, 2018, 08:17:43 PM
Just saw a great pic of HCD with a skier on the descent slab. Maybe they'll post it here.
Randonee/AT/BC Skiing on 108 / Conditions
February 22, 2018, 03:36:07 PM

Unsettled weather for the next week.
Randonee/AT/BC Skiing on 108 / Winter of 2017
February 14, 2018, 02:57:03 PM
Even below 4000' there was good snow... will try and find my pics... got any ski pics?

Was imminently surprised to find this tucked into the backcountry.

That first visit to the Donnell Vista in the early 90s was an awakening. It was a time of school, philosophy and climbing. A trip the Owens River Gorge by way Sonora Pass etched something in me. Later, I was given a proper tour of the granite on the Stanislaus. The few routes that were 'established in the guidebook' could almost be counted on one hand. Over the next few years I would make my way down canyon. Following the dirt road that hugged the side of the mountain, much like a road into Gasherbrum or some far flung mountain, I was drawn down to the reservoir. Timid at first, we eeked out adventure on impeccable rock on the Weeping Wall. Then in 2014 the urge to do a Wall in my proverbial backyard got me thinking about how to make it happen. I talked with Tim Tuomey, who I have had many an adventure with. He was into it after some coaxing and reassurance that I could get a canoe.

I had originally met Tim on Sonora Pass proper. I can't remember if we were going to climb or just planned to meet shake hands and chat about climbing over a beer like we had been doing online. Around that time internet websites were becoming easy to purchase and free hosting had become immensely popular. So I started a bare bones informational page to supplement the paperback guidebook that Hope, Brad and Jim had put together. Connecting and talking to climbers about climbing online was new and amazing. rec.climbing was in full swing and Supertopo would soon become the virtual campfire that many grew to love (and later only grudgingly sign onto). So "IRL" we met and started working on projects together. 

That evening the cold temps were creeping in so we moved to the Hippopotabus (a green Volkswagen bus with a pop top) to get out of the cold. Tim's passion for "The Pass" was pure. I saw him as a kindred spirit escaping the cluster of humanity that coagulated on North Side Drive. No rangers, no people and the climbers were all about the very same thing; new routing and not being jammed in a line fighting over who starts the Regular Route first. We jibber jabbered til late. And I think we climbed up at The Fortress the next day.

Many years later sitting here now, I'm thinking about how last season's rains washed out the road to the reservoir in multiple places. I am reminded that getting in and out of the canyon to Donnell Reservoir is an adventure in itself. It is at the courtesy of the mountain and her consort, the weather, that we obtain access. Donnell's would otherwise be a miniature Yosemite Valley if  it hadn't been flooded for irrigation and agriculture. 

However, once you are there, seeing Atlantis for the first time, your only thought must be "That would be so cool to start a route right out of the water!!!" 

No climber worth their sea salt, hasn't thought of the metaphor of sea-faring and sailing off into uncharted waters to go after their great white whale! Crossing water to reach tall granite so close to home was like having Baffin in your backyard! Only, 50 degrees warmer!  :)